
This a pre-release version of the gem. The API may change

:muscle: A powerful variant API for ruby components

  • Define component variants directly in your ruby
  • Framework agnostic
  • Seamlessly handle complex UI components

Build Status License: MIT


Add this line to your application's gemfile

gem "attrify"

Getting Started

Add it to your model

class BaseComponent
  include Attrify

  # Optional: pass keyword arguments from the initializer directly to the attributes API
  def initialize(**args)

Define attributes for your class:

class Button < BaseComponent
  attributes {
    base id: ->{ "button_#{SecureRandom.uuid}}"},
         class: %w[inline-flex items-center rounded], 
         data: { controller: "button_controller" }

    variant(:color) {
      primary   class: { append: %w[bg-blue-500 text-white] }
      secondary class: { append: %w[bg-gray-500 text-white shadow-sm] }
      danger    class: { append: %w[bg-red-500 text-white] }

    variant(:size) {
      xs class: { append: %w[text-xs h-7 px-3 py-1] }
      sm class: { append: %w[text-sm h-8 px-3.5 py-1.5] }
      md class: { append: %w[text-sm h-9 px-4 py-2] }
      lg class: { append: %w[text-base h-10 px-5 py-2.5] }
      xl class: { append: %w[text-lg h-11 px-6 py-3] }

    default color: :primary, size: :md

Add the attributes to your component's html

  <button <%= attribs() %>> <%= content %> </button> 

Try it out!

  # Use the default attributes { "Click Me" }

  # Use a predefined color and size :primary, size: :sm) { "Click Me" }

  # Override the attributes as needed :primary, 
             id: "special_button",
             class: { remove: "border" }, 
             style: "width: 300px;", 
             href: "") { "Click Me" }


To best leverage the variants API it is important to understand it's workings. Under the hood, attributes are parsed into operations.

List of operations:

{ set: value }
{ remove: value }
{ append: value }
{ prepend: value }

Let's take a look at some examples

# The default operation is SET so the following buttons are equivelant :primary, class: "bg-purple-500") :primary, class: { set: "bg-purple-500" })

# We can define multiple operations like this: :primary, class: [{ remove: "bg-blue-500" }, 
                                    { prepend: "text-black" }])


Slots allow you to define different attributes for different parts of a component.

class Card < BaseComponent
  attributes {
    base {
      slot :card, id: ->{"card_#{id}"}, class: %w[rounded-md border]
      slot :header, class: %w[bg-gray-100 border-b]
      slot :body, class: %w[]
      slot :footer, class: %w[border-t]

    variant(:color) {
      primary {
        slot :header, class: { append: %w[bg-blue-500] }
        slot :footer, class: { append: %w[bg-blue-500] }
      danger {
        slot :header, class: { append: %w[bg-red-500] }
        slot :footer, class: { append: %w[bg-red-500] }

    # Wildcard applies to all slots
    variant(:padding) {
      default {
        slot *, class: { append: %w[p-4] }
      condensed {
        slot *, class: { append: %w[px-4 py-2] }
      spacious {
        slot *, class: { append: %w[p-6] }

    default padding: :default

Use it in your html

<div <%= attribs(slot: :card) %>>
  <div <%= attribs(slot: :header) %>> Header </div>
  <div <%= attribs(slot: :body) %>> Body </div>
  <div <%= attribs(slot: :footer) %>> Footer </div>

Override attributes like this: :primary, footer: { id: "footer_id" },
                          card: { class: { append: "border-3" }})

Child components

We can define variants of a child component inside a parent

class Alert < BaseComponent
  attributes {
    base {
      slot :main, class: %w[rounded-md border]
      slot :button, size: :md 
    variant(:color) {
      primary {
        slot :main, class: { append: %w[bg-blue-100] }
        slot :button, color: :primary
      danger {
        slot :main, class: { append: %w[bg-red-100] }
        slot :button, color: :danger, size: :lg, id: "alert_button_1"
<div <%= attribs(slot: :main) %>>
  Hello World
  <%= render**attribs(slot: :button)) %>

Note: You can override like this as well

<div <%= attribs(slot: :main, class: { append: "h-10" }) %>>
  Hello World
  <%= render**attribs(slot: :button, size: :xl)) %>


Greatly inspired by Tailwind Variants, ViewComponentContrib::StyleVariants, and what GitHub is doing with Primer::Classify.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.