
A ruby gem providing, through scrapping, an API to the french online grocery


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'auchandirect-scrAPI'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install auchandirect-scrAPI


This library should be production ready.


This API has 2 main features :

  • walking the store to collect all the different items in the different subsections
  • Connecting with a user account in order to fill his cart

It is not currently possible to pay and validate an order through this API. In order to do so, a user must :

  1. first disconnect from the API
  2. only then reconnect with his account through a browser, and order his pre-filled cart

Sample usage

Suppose you'd want to fill your cart with all the pizzas available on the store, this is how you would do it :

cart = Auchandirect::ScrAPI::Cart.login('[email protected]', 'password')


  Auchandirect::ScrAPI::Items.browse.categories.each do |cat|
    cat.categories.each do |s_cat|
      s_cat.categories.each do |ss_cat|
        ss_cat.items.each do |item|

          if item.attributes[:name] =~ /pizza/i




  ensure cart.logout


Client side usage

In order to make it possible for a web browser to automaticaly connect to (for example in an iframe, to pay for a cart that was previously filled with this gem on the server), the Auchandirect::ScrAPI::Cart class exposes enough information to generate the html that makes this possible. You can have a look at spec/lib/auchandirect/scrAPI/client_cart_shared_examples.rb for more details. This whole thing remains tricky and subject to failures though.


In order to run quicker and offline tests for the rest of your app, you can use Auchandirect::ScrAPI::DummyCart in place of a real cart. This cart is compatible with Storexplore's dummy store generators (see


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Running the tests

  • If you want to run the tests, you'll need valid auchandirect credentials. So first, head up to and create yourself an account if you don't yet have one.
  • To run guard or rspec, you'll have to specify these credentials through environment variables :
[email protected] AUCHANDIRECT_TEST_PASSWORD=secret bundle exec rspec spec
  • If you get tired of repeating this, you can create yourself a 'credentials' shell script at the root of the repo :
[email protected] AUCHANDIRECT_TEST_PASSWORD=secret "$@"
  • Make it exectuable chmod +x credentials
  • You can now simply run any command with your credentials
./credentials bundle exec rspec spec