Authlogic Haapi (Http Auth API)

Authlogic Haapi Adds support for HTTP Authentication with an API key instead of username password. You can use it with Active Resource like so:

require 'rubygems'
require 'activeresource'

API_KEY= 'YourApiKeyHere'
URL = ''

class Api < ActiveResource::Base = URL
  self.user = API_KEY

class User < Api

users = User.find(:all)

Credits go to Matthew and Saro at for inspiration and guidance.

* Authlogic:

Install and use

1. Install the Authlogic Haapi gem

$ sudo gem install quantipay-authlogic_haapi

Now add the gem dependency in your config:

config.gem "quantipay-authlogic_haapi", :lib => "authlogic_haapi"

Or for older version of rails, install it as a plugin:

$ script/plugin install git://

2. Configuration options:

allow_http_basic_auth_with_api_key, default = true Indicates whether you wish to allow logging in by HTTP Auth using the API Key.

Copyright © 2009 Joe Scharf of [QuantiPay](, released under the MIT license