AutoBidder: Win without trying

This library places bids on online auction sites for you automatically while you do other important things, like walking your dog.


gem install auto-bidder


AutoBidder is intended to be ran from the command line:

Chad-Boyds-iMac:~ cboyd$ auto-bidder --help
Usage: auto-bidder [options] URL
    -v, --verbose                    Be more verbose
    -x, --max-price PRICE            Maximum price you are willing to pay for the auction item
    -n, --min-price [PRICE]          Minimum price the auction item must reach before bidding starts
    -c, --bid-cost COST              How much each bid actually costs you
    -u, --username USER              Username of your account for the auction site
    -s, --bid-seconds [SECONDS]      How many seconds remaining on the clock before a bid is placed
    -h, --help                       Display this screen

It is a gem, though. So I suppose you could use it within your own project.

AutoBidder works by utilizing Watir, an open-source library for automating web browsers. The AutoBidder library will launch a Safari window and connect to the URL you supply on the command line.


Watir supports IE, Firefox, Safari and Chrome. AutoBidder uses Safari only, however. Feel free to fork this project and implement any or all of the other browsers if you wish.