
Tired of typing rbenv-rehash, rvm gemset use, and rvm gemset create for every project? auto-gemsets is for you.

Any Gemfile you encounter will cause auto-gemsets to automatically create and switch to a gemset based on the Gemfile's parent folder. Given a Gemfile in a directory named my-project, auto-gemsets will create a ~/.gemsets/my-project directory (if one does not exist), and set all the GEM environment variables appropriate to that gemset. This means that you can enjoy sandboxed gem environments without having to micro-manage your GEM environment.


Using RubyGems:

gem install auto-gemsets
gemset init


The gemset init command will create a copy of and into /usr/local/share/auto-gemsets To use auto-gemsets, you will need to source these files in your ~/.bashrc (~/.bash_profile on OSX) or ~/.zshrc file.

source /usr/local/share/auto-gemsets/
source /usr/local/share/auto-gemsets/

In addition to these two scripts, init also creates a ~/.auto-gemsets config file to allow for customization of auto-gemsets.

Once you source .bashrc, .bash_profile, or ~/.zshrc (source ~/.bashrc) or open a new terminal auto-gemsets will now be active and managing your ruby gems.

Since, auto-gemsets creates a new default gemset, you will need to reinstall auto-gemsets to use the gemset command.

gem install auto-gemsets

A NOTE ON UPGRADING: If you've already installed auto-gemsets you will receive a warning asking you if you wish to overwrite this installation. You may want to do this after updating your auto-gemsets version

Default Gemset:

A default gemset will be created for you when you run gemset init in ~/.gemsets/default.

If you wish to override this location simply set the DEFAULT_GEMSET variable somewhere in your .bashrc, .bash_profile, or .zshrc depending on your environment:

# auto-gemsets
export DEFAULT_GEMSET="/custom/path/to/default_gemset"

auto-gemsets will add this gemset to your GEM_PATH and add it's bin directory to your PATH. This gemset will always be active. When another gemset is also active, installed gems will automatically belong to that gemset. When ONLY the default gemset is active, installed gems will belong to the default gemset.

Command Line

Although auto-gemsets focuses on automatic management of your gemsets, there are times when interaction is necessary. For these occaisions, auto-gemsets comes with a command line application named gemset.

See the HELP file for gemset's Documentation.

There is also a utility that allows you to isolate your default gemset when running gem commands named default-gems

For more documentation simply type



The defalt-gems command is an auto-gemsets utility to manage gems in the default* gemset from within other gemsets.


default-gems (command) [options]


default-gems install mygem default-gems uninstall mygem default-gems list

default-gems accepts any valid gem command, with any valid arguments and options. It is simply a pass-through to the gem command with the context of the default gemset.