
Automate is a Gem which intends to make writing shell-level automations easier by providing functionality such as:

  1. Shell command error handling
  2. Displaying all executed shell commands
  3. Nicely formatted output
  4. Makes it easy to write self-documenting, re-usable automations

These functionalities will improve as "automate" is being used, so if you see something missing or broken, just open an issue or a pull request.


Here's a very short example which creates a file and writes a random number into it (also to be found in examples/simple.rb):

c = Automate::Chain.which("Serves as an example") do

  go "Create a file in the working directory" do
    demand :filename
    run "touch #{_filename}"

  go "Write a random number into the file" do
    pass :number, Random.rand(100)
    run "echo #{_number} > #{_filename}"

  go "Demonstrate a failed chain link" do
    run "this_command_doesnt_even_exist #{_number}"



To begin with, `Automate::Chain.which("Description of command chain") creates a new command chain, which is defined by the block passed to it.

Inside said block, "chain links" are defined using the go method. Each chain link should consist of an action which can be described in a few words, thus making the entire chain a series of atomic, or close to atomic operations:

# good
go "Clone the git repository"

# bad
go "Download, compile and install the linux kernel"

The chain link block defines its behavior, and the following methods are available within:

  • demand :parameter1, :parameter2 - Demand one or more parameters from the previous chain link (or if there is none, from the initial run command).

  • pass :parameter, value - Pass a parameter to the next chain link.

  • run "some shell command" - Invokes a shell command, returning its result (including everything written to stderr! If you don't want to capture stderr, pass "false" as run's second parameter)

Future features

  • Stepping through the script, i.e. execute link by link (especially useful for debugging)
  • Add roll back actions for a link, which are only executed if said link fails.