
You'll need the FlagShihTzu plugin installed.

plugin install git://

Then set that up how you like. FlagShihTzu

Then get the awesome_flags gem.

gem 'awesome_flags'

AwesomeFlags outputs the keys used in FlagShihTzu columns as an Array of :symbols, or a Hash of flag names and bit values.

Just require AwesomeFlags in your model. Don't forget to install the FlagShihTzu plugin and add that as well.

include FlagShihTzu
include AwesomeFlags

Array Methods

Call all active flags for a variable, or add a column name to filter.


Using the all_flags method will return all flags (filtered by column or not).


You can also send either method to a block to output formatted flags.
This can be handy to do things like generate check boxes dynamically. For example

- @thing.all_flags.each do |flag|
  = check_box flag, :class => 'check_box'
  = label :flags, "#{flag.to_s.titleize}"

Hash Method

There is also a method to return the hash of flag names and bit values. The keys are the flag names and the values are the bit values. This can also be filtered by column.


Good for creating drop downs

= select(:flags, @thing.get_hash_of_flags.collect {|key, value| ["#{key.to_s.titleize}", value]})

Copyright (c) 2011 Gabe Kessler. See LICENSE.txt for further details.