
Welcome to a drug named awesomesauce: a Rack middleware for replacing the word "awesome" with synonyms for the word "awesome."

Why? Because when your life is awesome, you want to spend more time being awesome and less time thinking of new, creative ways to tell your friends just how awesome your life is.


gem install awesomesauce


Rails 3

# Gemfile
gem "awesomesauce"

# application.rb
config.middleware.use "Awesomesauce::Filter"


require "sinatra"
require "awesomesauce"

use Awesomesauce::Filter

get '/' do
  'Hello awesome world'


Awesomesauce takes an optional array of synonyms that will be appended to the default set of awesome substitute words. Use as follows:

use Awesomesauce::Filter, ["bumpin", "off the chain", "ridonkulous"]

Contributing to awesomesauce

Don't. If you get too close to awesomesauce, its awesomeness will literally melt your face like a Spinal Tap concert.

Copyright (c) 2011 Zach Pendleton. See LICENSE.txt for further details.