
The axe-core-watir gem provides a chainable axe API for Watir and automatically injects into all frames.


  • In your Gemfile, add the axe-core-watir gem.
source ""

gem 'axe-core-watir'
  • Require axe-watir and use the exported member AxeWatir.
require 'axe-watir'

# configure `AxeWatir`
driver = AxeWatir.configure(:firefox) do |c|
  # see below for a full list of configuration 
  c.jslib_path = "next-version/axe.js"

# use the driver configuration instance ''



The configure method takes 1 optional argument as a [symbol][] and a configuration block object: configure(*arg, &block)

The optional argument is a browser name for watir. The valid browser names are:

  • :firefox
  • :chrome (default)
  • :safari
  • :internet_explorer
  • :edge

A detailed configuration option for each of the browsers are available in the Watir documenation/ guide

Note: Please ensure respective drivers (eg: geckodriver) are installed in your machine.

The block configuration object contains the below properties:

Property Type Description
jslib_path (Optional) String Path to a custom axe source
skip_iframes (Optional) Boolean Indicate if frames should be excluded from injecting with axe


Note: Refer to contributing guidelines for a full list of setup requirements.

Navigate to the directory of this gem - src/packages/axe-core-watir

Install dependencies (declared in axe-core-watir.gemspec):

bundle install

To run tests:

bundle exec rspec