Axlsx: Office Open XML Spreadsheet Generation

IRC: / #axlsx
Author: Randy Morgan Copyright: 2011
License: MIT License
Latest Version: 1.0.0 Release Date: November 20th 2011


Axlsx is an Office Open XML Spreadsheet generator for the Ruby programming language. It enables the you to generate 100% valid xlsx files that include customised styling 3D pie, bar and line charts. Below is a summary of salient features.

Feature List

**1. Author xlsx documents: Axlsx is made to let you easily and quickly generate profesional xlsx based reports that can be validated before serialiation.

**2. Generate 3D Pie and Bar Charts: With Axlsx chart generation and management is as easy as a few lines of code. You can build charts based off data in your worksheet or generate charts without any data in your sheet at all.

**3. Custom Styles: With guaranteed document validity, you can style borders, alignment, fills, fonts, and number formats in a single line of code. Those styles can be applied to an entire row, or a single cell anywhere in your workbook.

**4. Automatic type support: Axlsx will automatically determine the type of data you are generating. In this release Float, Integer, String and Time types are automatically identified and serialized to your spreadsheet.


To install Axlsx, use the following command:

$ gem install axlsx


Generating a workbook with styles and a chart: p = do |package| package.workbook.add_worksheet do |sheet| sheet.add_row ["First", "Second", "Third"], :style => Axlsx::STYLE_THIN_BORDER sheet.add_row [1, 2, 3], :style => Axlsx::STYLE_THIN_BORDER sheet.add_chart(Axlsx::Bar3DChart, :start_at => [0,2], :end_at => [5, 15], :title=>"example 1: Chart") do |chart| chart.add_series :data=>sheet.rows.last.cells, :labels=> sheet.rows.first.cells end end package.serialize("example1.xlsx") end


This gem is 100% documented with YARD, an exceptional documentation library. To see documentation for this, and all the gems installed on your system use:

yard server -g


This gem has 100% test coverage. To execute tests for this gem, simply run rake in the gem directory.


  • October.10.11: 0.1.0 release

Axlsx © 2011 by Randy Morgan. Axlsx is licensed under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE document for more information.