Easy to implement contact form with recaptcha, with a topic selection management in admin. It stores all messages in DB for an easy recall of messages.
This extension is based on joshnuss spree-contact-form (thank you BTW) : https://github.com/joshnuss/spree-contact-form
Put the following line into your gemfile :
gem 'azimuth_spree_easy_contact', '= 1.0.3', :require => 'spree_easy_contact'
Then run all the following command :
bundle install
rake spree_easy_contact:install
rake db:migrate
Set properly the mail method in the admin area (/admin/mail_methods)
Configure your auto responder settings in Configuration / General Settings Add Topics in Configuration / Contact Form Topic
Add the following to your application initializers:
Spree::Config.set(:recaptcha_public_key => '[your_recaptcha_public_key]') Spree::Config.set(:recaptcha_private_key => '[your_recaptcha_private_key]')
And you're done !
Copyright (c) 2011 [Mathias Standaert for Organic Web], released under the New BSD License