Babilu converts all your translations into JavaScript so you can use them on the client side. It mimicks the Ruby/Rails I18n API and works in pretty much the same way:
//JavaScript I18n.defaultLocale // “en” I18n.locale // Whatever the locale has been set to on the server
I18n.t(‘hello’) // “Hello World” I18n.t(‘messages.invalid’, ‘errors’]) // “is invalid” I18n.t(‘activerecord.errors.template.header’, model:‘pony’) // “4 errors prohibited this pony from being saved”
I18n.translations.en.ponies = ‘I have a pony’, other: ‘I have %{count ponies’}; I18n.t(‘ponies’, count:5) // “I have 5 ponies”
The only difference is that because JavaScript doesn’t have symbols we can’t easily differentiate between keys and values in the “defaultValue” option. A workaround is used in which strings starting with “:” are considered to be keys and are used for looking up additional translations:
I18n.t(‘doesntexist’, defaultValue:‘humbaba’) // “humbaba” I18n.t(‘doesntexist’, defaultValue:‘:hello’) // “Hello world” I18n.t(‘doesntexist’, ‘The Sasqutch: Fact or Fiction?’]) // “The Sasquatch: Fact or Fiction?”
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