
Bandit is a multi-armed bandit optmization framework for Rails.


First, add the following to your Gemfile in your Rails 3 app:

gem 'bandit'

Then, run the following:

bundle install
rails generate bandit:install

You can then edit the bandit.yml file in your config directory to set your storage and player parameters. Redis, memcache, and memory storage options are available. Memory storage should only be used for testing.

See the file players.rdoc for information about available players.


To set up an experiment, add it either somewhere in your code or in the bandit initializer. Creating an experiment is simple:

Bandit::Experiment.create(:click_test) { |exp|
  exp.alternatives = [ 20, 30, 40 ]
  exp.title = "Click Test"
  exp.description = "A test of clicks on purchase page with varying link sizes."


To get an alternative (per viewer, based on cookies):

<%= bandit_choose :click_test %>

For instance, in a link:

<%= link_to "new purchase", new_purchase_path, :style => "font-size: #{bandit_choose(:click_test)}px;" %>

You can force a particular alternative by adding a query parameter named “bandit_<expname>” and setting it’s value to the alternative you want. For instance, given the above experiment in the configuration example:


will then force the alternative to be “40”.


To track a converstion in your controller:

bandit_convert! :click_test


rails generate bandit:dashboard

Then, add the following to your config/routes.rb file:

match 'bandit' => 'bandit#index'

To see a dashboard with relevant information, go to:



To run tests:

rake test

To produce fake data for the past week, first create an experiment definition. Then, run the following rake task:

rake bandit:populate_data[experiment_name]
