Browser CMS twitter timeline Module

Twitter timeline module for BrowserCMS gives you a portlet to display a users Twitter timeline. It will cache the timeline and you can also change the amount of tweets that are pulled.

Getting Started


Have a look here to see how BrowserCMS modules installs in BrowserCMS (

gem install bcms_twitter_module

Configuration changes

Edit config/environment.rb

config.gem "browsercms"
config.gem "bcms_contact_us_module"

Run this

script/generate browser_cms
rake db:migrate


Twitter Timeline is released under a LGPL license, and is copyright 1998-2011 Freddy Andersen, Zerolimits Technology. The complete copyright can be found in COPYRIGHT.txt, and copy of the license can be found in LICENSE.txt.


If you have problems with this module add a new issue under the issues tab on github