Benchtool provides a method to store a list of 'targets', which you can then
benchmark using the Apache Bench web server benchmarking tool.

This tool expects a configuration file at config/configuration.yml. If not
found, one will be created for you. This tool also outputs Apache Bench data
to a gnuplot file in a directory named 'output'. If it is not present, it will
be created. Both of these can be overriden using options.


Because benchtool is a simple wrapper script, you must install Apache Bench
and Curl prior to running this utility. You can check to see if you have
these tools installed by executing the following at a shell prompt:

which ab
which curl

These commands should return paths to the binaries for each. If nothing is
returned, you must install the utility using your preferred package manager.


benchtool [options] <command>

options - optional switches passed to the utility (see OPTIONS)

command - required command parameter tells the utility what action to take

See EXAMPLES for more details.


benchmark Execute Apache Benchmark against a target. Builds and executes an
Apache Bench command, specifying cookies and headers from the
configuration file.
test Test a target to determine if it is valid and responding. Builds
and executes a Curl command, specifying cookies and headers from
the configuration file.


-c, --concurrency [INT] Apache Bench concurrency level (overrides config).
-o, --output-dir [PATH] Output directory for Apache Bench gnuplot files.
-n, --number [INT] Apache Bench number of requests (overrides config).
--no-plotfile Apache Bench will not write a gnuplot file.
-p, --print Print the command and exit; does not execute.
-t, --target [INT] Specify the index (1-based) of the target.


benchtool benchmark - Displays a menu list of targets and executes
Apache Bench against the selected target.

benchtool test - Displays a menu list of targets and executes
a brief test showing the first 30 lines of
the HTTP response.

benchtool -c 100 benchmark - Override the configuration.yml concurrency
setting for Apache Bench.

benchtool -p benchmark - Prints the resulting bash shell command, rather
than executing. Also works for the test command.

Author: Brad Landers <[email protected]>