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beta_feature is a database-based feature flag tool for Ruby on Rails, which allows you check in incomplete features without affecting users.

Supported ORMs

beta_feature is currently ActiveRecord only.

Supported Database

  • PostgreSQL ✅
  • MySQL ❌(Working in Progress)
  • SQLite ❌(Working in Progress)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'beta_feature'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install beta_feature

Then, To make the engine's functionality accessible from within an application, it needs to be mounted in that application's config/routes.rb file:

mount BetaFeature::Engine, at: "/beta_feature"

Then, from your Rails app directory, run the following command to complete the setup.

$ rails generate beta_feature:install
$ rake db:migrate

Then, add your feature sets in config/beta_features.yml

  developer: '[email protected]'
  qa: '[email protected]'
  status: 'in_progress'
  description: 'Building dark mode for my website.'


Example: User Level feature toggle

Simply call flagger on your User model:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base


The instance of User will have the ability to toggle feature flags.

user = User.find(327199)

#enable the feature flag dark_mode for this user.

#remove landing_page_ux_improvement from this user's feature flags.

# check whether a feature is active for a particular user.
user.can_access_beta?(:dark_mode) # => true/false

Controll the logic based on feature flag.

if current_user.can_access_beta?(:dark_mode)
  render 'home', layout: 'dark'
  render 'home'

Example: Company Level feature toggle

For enterprise application, you might want to enable a beta feature for all the employees of specific company. You can do it in this way.

Simply call flagger on your Company model:

class Company < ActiveRecord::Base


The instance of Company will have the ability to toggle feature in company level.

company = Company.find(2)

#enable the feature flag dark_mode for this company.

#remove the feature flag landing_page_ux_improvement from this company's feature flags.

# check whether a feature is active for this company.
company.can_access_beta?(:dark_mode) # => true/false

Controll the logic based on feature flag.

if company.can_access_beta?(:landing_page_ux_improvement)
  render 'landing_page_v2'
  render 'landing_page'


User level and company level beta toggles could meet most applications. But if you have special requirements, you can enable feature toggle to any models by calling flagger.

class Group < ActiveRecord::Base


group = Group.find(397)

#enable the feature flag dark_mode for this group.

#remove the feature flag landing_page_ux_improvement from this group's feature flags.

# check whether a feature is active for this group.
group.can_access_beta?(:dark_mode) # => true/false

General Availability (GA)

If your feature has been well tested, changing the status from in_progress to released will make this feature general available to all customer. The feature check will always return true.

  developer: [email protected]
  qa: [email protected]
  status: released
  description: Building dark mode for my website.
user.can_access_beta?(:dark_mode) # => always return true


this engine provides three API for the frontend to list all available betas or toggle beta features for a paticular class.

List all available beta features in the beta_features.yml

GET /beta_feature/all


  "landing_page_ux_improvement": {
    "developer": "[email protected]",
    "qa": "[email protected]",
    "status": "in_progress",
    "description": "This is a demo feature flag."
  "dark_mode": {
    "developer": "[email protected]",
    "qa": "[email protected]",
    "status": "in_progress",
    "description": "Build dark mode on our website."
  "custom_domain": {
    "developer": "[email protected]",
    "qa": "[email protected]",
    "status": "released",
    "description": "Support custom domain for Pro user."

List all enabled beta features for a particular object.

GET /beta_feature/:object_class/:object_id/setting


 "betas": {
    "landing_page_ux_improvement": true,
    "dark_mode": false

Toggle on/off betas for a particular object.

PUT /beta_feature/:object_class/:object_id/setting


 "betas": {
    "landing_page_ux_improvement": true,
    "dark_mode": false



After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Brought to you by

pic @mention area
@xiaoronglv most things.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the BetaFeature project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.