
Gem for working with the Billwise SOAP/XML API. Ruby 1.9.x +


require 'billwise4r'
billwise ={ :companyCd  => 123,
                          :username   => 'username',
                          :password   => 'password',
                          :wsdl_url   => '',
                          :endpoint   => '',
                          :namespace  => '',
                          :log        => true,
                          :log_evel   => :debug })
customer = billwise.find_customer(:customerCd => '000987')
services = billwise.find_services({ :customerCd => '000123',
                                    :serviceId  => 'A000000000000456',
                                    :status     => 'A' })

Optional Configution Parameters

SSL verify_mode             -  [:peer, :fail_if_no_peer_cert, :client_once]
cert_key_file               -  the private key file to use
cert_key_password           -  the key file's password
cert_file                   -  the certificate file to use
ca_cert_file                -  the ca certificate file to use

Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 Jason Goecke & John Dyer. See LICENSE.txt for further details.