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Yet another VCF parser. This one may give better performance because of lazy parsing and useful combinations of (fancy) command line filtering. For example, to filter somatic data

  bio-vcf --filter 'rec.alt.size==1 and[rec.alt]>30 and>20' < file.vcf

The VCF format is commonly used for variant calling between NGS samples. The fast parser needs to carry some state, recorded for each file in VcfHeader, which contains the VCF file header. Individual lines (variant calls) first go through a raw parser returning an array of fields. Further (lazy) parsing is handled through VcfRecord.

At this point the filter is pretty generic with multi-sample support. If something is not working, check out the feature descriptions and the source code. It is not hard to add features. Otherwise, send me a short example of a VCF statement you need to work on.


gem install bio-vcf

Quick start

Command line interface (CLI)

Get the version of the VCF file

  bio-vcf -q --eval-once header.version < file.vcf

Get the column headers

  bio-vcf -q --eval-once 'header.column_names.join(",")' < file.vcf

Get the sample names

  bio-vcf -q --eval-once 'header.samples.join(",")' < file.vcf

The 'fields' array contains unprocessed data (strings). Print first five raw fields

  bio-vcf --eval 'fields[0..4].join("\t")' < file.vcf 

Add a filter to display the fields on chromosome 12

  bio-vcf --filter 'fields[0]=="12"' --eval 'fields[0..4].join("\t")' < file.vcf 

It gets better when we start using processed data, represented by an object named 'rec'. Position is a value, so we can filter a range

  bio-vcf --filter 'rec.chrom=="12" and rec.pos>96_641_270 and rec.pos<96_641_276' < file.vcf 

Info fields are referenced by

  bio-vcf --filter '>100 and<=0.815' < file.vcf 

With subfields defined by rec.format

  bio-vcf --filter ' != 2' < file.vcf 


  bio-vcf --filter '>30' 
    --eval '[rec.ref,rec.alt,rec.tumor.bcount,,].join("\t")' 
    < file.vcf

Show the count of the bases that were scored as somatic

  bio-vcf --eval 'rec.alt+"\t"+rec.tumor.bcount.split(",")[["A","C","G","T"].index(rec.alt)]+
    "\t"' < file.vcf

Actually, we have a convenience implementation for bcount, so this is the same

  bio-vcf --eval 'rec.alt+"\t"+rec.tumor.bcount[rec.alt].to_s+"\t"' 
    < file.vcf

Filter on the somatic results that were scored at least 4 times

  bio-vcf --filter 'rec.alt.size==1 and rec.tumor.bcount[rec.alt]>4' < test.vcf 

Similar for base quality scores

  bio-vcf --filter 'rec.alt.size==1 and rec.tumor.amq[rec.alt]>30' < test.vcf 

If your samples have other names you can fetch genotypes for that sample with

  bio-vcf --eval "rec.sample['BIOPSY17513D'].gt" < file.vcf

Or read depth for another

  bio-vcf --eval "rec.sample['subclone46'].dp" < file.vcf

Better even, you can access samples directly with

  bio-vcf --eval "" < file.vcf
  bio-vcf --eval "rec.sample.subclone46.dp" < file.vcf

For more examples see the feature section.


BioVcf can also be used as an API. The following code is basically what the command line interface uses (see ./bin/bio-vcf)

  FILE.each_line do | line |
    if line =~ /^##fileformat=/
      # ---- We have a new file header
      header =
      STDIN.each_line do | headerline |
        if headerline !~ /^#/
          line = headerline
          break # end of header
    # ---- Parse VCF record line
    # fields = VcfLine.parse(line,header.columns)
    fields = VcfLine.parse(line)
    rec =,header)
    # Do something with rec

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Information on the source tree, documentation, examples, issues and how to contribute, see


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