Blast Mavens Multiplayer Beta

Blast Mavens Multiplayer is 2D game written in ruby using Gosu libruary inspired by the bomberman.


Install it from the gem: gem install blast_mavens_multiplayer

Run it via: blast_mavens_multiplayer


Alternatively you can check out the code from this repository and run game.rb.


Until help hints will be implemented in-game, until options will be implemented in-game you will have to use the following controls:

  • ESC exit the game, close all the windows
  • NUMPAD+ increase the volume of the music
  • NUMPAD- decrease the volume of the music
  • W Player 1 up
  • A Player 1 left
  • S Player 1 down
  • D Player 1 right
  • Space Player 1 place dynamite
  • UP Player 2 up
  • LEFT Player 2 left
  • DOWN Player 2 down
  • RIGHT Player 2 right
  • RIGHTSHIFT Player 2 place dynamite


This game (repository) will serve as a base for the open AI competition as well as different single player AI scripts. For repo, api and documentation as well as examples of the AI scripts could be found here.


All art, functionality are subject to change. Tons of features yet to be implemented. You can change map by modifying basic.txt under maps with any editor.

Copyright (c) 2011 Nickolay Schwarz. See LICENSE.txt for further details.

Art and acknowledgments:

  • mrpoly - CC0 (menu music track 1)
  • Marcus Rasseli - CC-BY 3.0 (battle music track 1)
  • Paulius Jurgelevičius - CC0 (menu music track 2)
  • Cuzco - explosion(CC0) animation (modified)
  • Badassbill - pg_hero served as a base for idea for character animation (unreached)