Blazing Upstart

Upstart recipe for blazing

If you run your applications with upstart, this lets you restart/reload after a deployment.

The expectation is that you have a Procfile with your processes in it. You can set certain processes to receive a reload instead of a restart. That is very useful if, for example, you run your app with unicorn.


Add gem 'blazing-upstart' to your Gemfile


Enable the recipes you want in your blazing configuration file. Options can be provided in the recipe call or with the target method. Target options have precedence over recipe options.

# Restart the processes
#   recipe :restart_processes, [options]
# Options:
#   :reload (Set which processes reload instead of restart)
#   :app (Set your app name to something different than the folder name)
#   :procfile (Set if you use a Procfile not named Procfile)
#   :sudo (Set if you use a different sudo command, ie rvmsudo)
# Example:

recipe :restart_processes, :reload => 'web'


Daniel Farrell (@danielfarrell)


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