
Blazy(be lazy) is a fluent extension to active record models to reduce number of key strokes in rails console.

For rails 2.x refer to v0.1.2


gem install blazy


Add dependency in gem file

gem ‘blazy’, :group => :development

Go to rails console in your rails project and type


you are ready to go!!

How does it help me?

Most of the operations we do in rails console while debugging a problem or looking for model values in database take a lot of key strokes. Blazy provides methods, aliases and a fluent interface to reduce the number of keystrokes to bare minimal.


Lets say you have a active record model called Project.

This is what being lazy means

Project.find(11) –> Project-11 or Project # [id] is preferred Project.all –> projects Project.first –> project

When you want to see some subset of data

Project.all(:limit => 10) –> 10.projects Project.first –> 1.project

Scopes generated for each column

Project.where(:name => ‘blazy’) –> Project.with_name(‘blazy’) # you get autocomplete for this

And chaining them

10.projects.where(‘priority < 2’).order(:priority) Project.with_priority(1).limit 10

Lastly and actually the least some aliases. These are useful at the end of scope to inspect a model


Listing them –> f => first, l => last, a => all

To do

models - to list all models in the project relations - to show quick summary of a model’s associations

Other useful gems in script/console



and add this to your ~/.irbc