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Bloomy is a Ruby library for interacting with the Bloom Growth API. It provides convenient methods for getting user details, todos, rocks, meetings, measurables, and issues.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'bloomy'

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install bloomy


Initialize the Configuration

First, you need to initialize the configuration and set up the API key.

require 'bloomy'

config =

Configure the API Key

You can configure the API key using your username and password. Optionally, you can store the API key locally under ~/.bloomy/config.yaml for future use.

config.configure_api_key("your_username", "your_password", store_key: true)

You can also set an BG_API_KEY environment variable and it will be loaded automatically for you once you initialize a client. A configuration is useful if you plan to use a fixed API key for your operations. However, you can also pass an API key when initializing a client without doing any configuration.

Client Initialization

Once the configuration is set up, you can initialize the client. The client provides access to various features such as managing users, todos, rocks, meetings, measurables, and issues.

[!NOTE] Passing an API key is entirely optional and only useful if you plan to use different API keys to manage different organizations. This will bypass the regular configuration process.

client = "abc...")

Using Client Features

User Management

To interact with user-related features:

# Fetch current user details
current_user_details = client.user.details

# Search for users
search_results ="John Doe")

Meeting Management

To interact with meeting-related features:

# List all meetings for the current user
meetings = client.meeting.list

# Get details of a specific meeting
meeting_details = client.meeting.details(meeting_id)

Todo Management

To interact with todo-related features:

# List all todos for the current user
todos = client.todo.list

# Create a new todo
new_todo = client.todo.create(title: "New Task", meeting_id: 1, due_date: "2024-06-15")

Rock Management

To interact with rock-related features:

# List all rocks for the current user
rocks = client.rock.list

# Create a new rock
new_rock = client.rock.create(title: "New Rock", meeting_id: 1)

Measurable Management

To interact with measurable-related features:

# Get current week details
current_week = client.measurable.current_week

# Get the scorecard for the user
scorecard = client.measurable.scorecard

Issue Management

To interact with issue-related features:

# Get details of a specific issue
issue_details = client.issue.details(issue_id)

# Create a new issue
new_issue = client.issue.create("New Issue", meeting_id)