Bootstrap Confirm Rails

This will overwrite rails’ *$.rails.allowAction* function to use custom delete confirmation dialog with Bootstrap modal. And this also add new form helper confirm_form_tag for more adaptive use.


  1. add follow to your Gemfile

    gem 'bootstrap-confirma-rails', :require => 'bootstrap-confirm-rails'
  2. run bundle to install dependences

    $ bundle

Or you can install it youself by:

$ gem install bootstrap-confirm-rails


Setup dependence assets:

  1. In your application.js

    //= require bootstrap-confirm-rails
  2. In your application.scss

    @import "bootstrap-confirm-rails";

In your view file:

confirm_form_tag @model_name, 'data-confirm' => 'Are you sure?' do |f|
  f.submit 'Delete'

With all options:

confirm_form_tag @model_name, 'data-confirm' => 'Are you sure?', 'data-confirm-body' => 'This will destroy data from database', 'data-confirm-ok' => 'Delete', 'data-confirm-cancel' => 'Cancel' do |f|
  f.submit 'Delete'

NOTE: You can use data-confirm-shortcut option to reduce input. And this will use BootstrapConfirmRails.shortcut_template to produce result in *BootstrapConfirmRails.shortcut_template % confirm_shortcut_data* form.

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