Bootstrap Tab History

Integrates HTML5 history state tracking with bootstrap/tab.js. This enables users to use history.forward, history.back and location.reload when navigating between tabs, as well as bookmarking specific tabs.

To enable tracking on a tab element, simply set the data-tab-history attribute to true (or a string denoting a tab grouping).

Visit our GitHub Page to see it in action.


With Rails >= 3.1

Add bootstrap-tab-history-rails to the Gemfile:

gem 'bootstrap-tab-history-rails'

and then add the following line to app/assets/javascripts/application.js:

//= require bootstrap-tab-history

Without Rails

Add bootstrap-tab-history.js to your JavaScripts.


Element options

Individual elements are configured by setting the following data attributes:

  • data-tab-history - Required. Set to true to enable tracking on a tab. Can also be set to an arbitrary string value to support pages with multiple tab groups.
  • data-tab-history-anchor-y-offset - When the anchor portion of the URI is used to activate a tab, scroll down to the given offset, rather than the element with the given id attribute. Set to null to disable. Only relevant if BootstrapTabHistory.options.showTabsBasedOnAnchor is true.
  • data-tab-history-changer
    • 'push' - Use history.pushState to update history.state. This will allow the use of history.forward and history.back as users switch tabs.
    • 'replace' - Use history.replaceState to update history.state. This will leave users on the same page w.r.t. history.forward and history.back as they switch tabs.
  • data-tab-history-update-url - If true, update the URL in the calls to history.pushState and history.replaceState. When false, null is passed as the third parameter to these calls.

Global options

BootstrapTabHistory.options = {
  // Default value corresponding to the `data-tab-history-anchor-y-offset` attribute.
  defaultAnchorYOffset: 0,

  // Default value corresponding to the `data-tab-history-changer` attribute.
  defaultChanger: 'replace',

  // Default value corresponding to the `data-tab-history-update-url` attribute.
  defaultUpdateURL: false,

  // Should the anchor portion of the loaded URI be used to activate a single tab if no history was
  // present on page load.
  showTabsBasedOnAnchor: true


An extremely simple example can be found at data/example.html, with the relevant portion duplicated below.

<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
  <li class="active">
    <a  href="#1-1"
      Tab 1:1
    <a  href="#1-2"
      Tab 1:2
<div class="tab-content">
  <div class="tab-pane active" id="1-1">
    Sample content for Tab 1:1.
  <div class="tab-pane" id="1-2">
    Sample content for Tab 1:2.