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BootstrapFeedbacker provides a modal form to collect user feedback and sends it in an email including the current page URL to the configured email address.


  • Rails 6.0 or higher with Import Maps, Turbo Frames, and Stimulus
  • Bootstrap version 4
  • User model with an email attribute
  • current_user method defined in ApplicationController


  1. Add the bootstrap_feedbacker gem to your Gemfile:

    gem "bootstrap_feedbacker"
  2. Run bundle install.

  3. Run rails bootstrap_feedbacker:install:migrations.

  4. Run rails db:migrate to add the bootstrap_feedbacker_remarks table to your schema.

  5. Mount the engine in your routes.rb file:

    mount BootstrapFeedbacker::Engine, at: '/bootstrap_feedbacker'
  6. Add the bootstrap feedbacker link and modal container to a view file:

    <%= bootstrap_feedbacker_link %>
    <%= bootstrap_feedbacker_modal %>


Create config/initializersbootstrap_feedbacker.rb and set your email address:

BootstrapFeedbacker::SETTINGS.email_to = '[email protected]'

Or set your email address and override any of these default settings:

  BootstrapFeedbacker::SETTINGS.update do |settings|
    settings.email_to           = '[email protected]'
    settings.email_prefix       = '[FEEDBACKER]'                              # default
    settings.modal_content_id   = 'bootstrap_feedbacker_remark_modal_content' # default
    settings.modal_id           = 'bootstrap_feedbacker_remark_modal'         # default
    settings.user_class         = 'User'                                      # default
    settings.user_name_method   = :name                                       # default


Bootstrap Feedbacker is released under the MIT License.