
What the bravura_template_base gem does:

  1. Template Management:

    • The gem provides a system for managing and loading different blog templates.
    • It defines a set of available templates and a default template.
  2. Dynamic Template Loading:

    • The load_template method dynamically loads a template based on the account's settings.
    • It handles the loading of template-specific assets (JavaScript and CSS) into the Rails asset pipeline.
  3. Fallback Mechanism:

    • If a specified template doesn't exist, it falls back to the default template.
    • It logs a warning when falling back to the default template.
  4. Error Handling:

    • It raises an error if the default template is not found.
    • It validates that the account object has the necessary attributes.
  5. Flexible Configuration:

    • The gem allows for different templates to be defined and used without modifying the main application code.
  6. Asset Management:

    • It adds template-specific asset paths to the Rails asset pipeline.
    • It adds template-specific CSS to the precompile list.

In essence, this gem serves as a foundation for a multi-template blog system. It allows different accounts to use different blog templates, all managed through a central system. The main benefits are:

  1. Modularity: Templates can be developed and managed separately from the main application.
  2. Flexibility: Accounts can easily switch between different templates.
  3. Consistency: It provides a standard way to handle different blog templates across the application.
  4. Error Handling: It gracefully handles cases where a template might be missing or incorrectly specified.

The gem is designed to work within a larger Rails application, where it can be used to dynamically load and manage different blog templates based on account settings. It's a key component in creating a flexible, multi-tenant blogging platform where different users or accounts can have different looking blogs all running on the same underlying system.


How to use my plugin.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "bravura_template_base"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install bravura_template_base


Contribution directions go here.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.