Bready is a tool for building breadcrumbs


In console:

gem install bready

or in your Gemfile:

gem 'bready'


It can work with or without Rails. Here is an example of usage when you want to use it with the Ruby on Rails framework. First you need to create a configuration file config/initializers/bready.rb

Bready::Breadcrumbs.setup do |config|
  # delimiter between parts of breadcrumbs
  config.delimiter = ' | '

  # Root chunk that will be used as a first chunk always
  config.root_chunk = ['Home', '/']

  # the name of the tag that wraps breadcrumbs
  config.block_tag = 'div'

  # set the class for tag that was described above
  config.block_class = 'breadcrumbs'


You can pass an array of breadcrumb chunks into initializer method like this:

bready =[
  ['Categories', '/Categories/'],
  ['Products', '/Products/'],

You can add more chunks later on. Here are examples of how to do it:

bready.add_chunk(['Products', '/Products/'])

To add more than one chunk:

bready.add_chunks([['Products', '/Products/'], ['Products2', '/Products2/']])

In the view you can render breadcrumbs by simply calling render method of an instance:
