britebox is CLI tool for batch email verification via BriteVerify API


Type in terminal:

$ gem install britebox

Note: BriteVerify API key is required to use this gem


At this moment only "watch" mode is supported. In this mode cli tool will watch target directory for csv and txt files with email column inside (exact column, column separator etc will be autodetected)

There are number of different configuration options supported, to preview them all type

$ britebox watch --help


$ britebox watch --apikey api-key --dir /home/user/files

If you tired typing api key and other settings over and over again, use --save flag. Now all provided settings will be stored in ~/.britebox.json and will be loaded by default, just type britebox watch next time.


$ britebox watch --apikey api-key --dir /home/user/files --threads 5 --save
$ britebox watch

Web UI mode

Launch tool with key --webui to enable web interface.

$ britebox watch --apikey api-key --dir /home/user/files --webui
Britebox web interface up and running, open http://localhost:7000/ in browser to see it

Watching directory /home/user/files
Output directory is /home/user/filesverified
Press Ctrl-C to quit
