Bootstrap ViewComponents (BSVC)

Bootstrap ViewComponents is a component library built on Bootstrap and VeiwComponent.

BSVC offers a component based development workflow similar to React or Vue by neatly packaging Bootstrap into components to make your Rails UI development faster, easier and more fun!


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'bsvc'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install bsvc

NOTE: BSVC does not include Bootstrap for you, this is by design. BSVC will work however you include Bootstrap in your application, whether through sprockets, esbuild, import map or any other way.


Basic four column grid that shrinks to two, double stacked columns at the 768px (md) breakpont. Each column contains a heading component.

NOTE: The last column shows a heading component (h) passing content in through a block rather than the text: option.

<%= container do %>
  <%= row do |c| %>
    <%= column(c, col: { md: 6, lg: 3 }) do %>
      <%= h(tag: 'h2', text: 'Column 1') %>
    <% end %>
    <%= column(c, col: { md: 6, lg: 3 }) do %>
      <%= h(tag: 'h2', text: 'Column 2') %>
    <% end %>
    <%= column(c, col: { md: 6, lg: 3 }) do %>
      <%= h(tag: 'h2', text: 'Column 3') %>
    <% end %>
    <%= column(c, col: { md: 6, lg: 3 }) do %>
      <%= h(tag: 'h2') do %>
        <i class="bi bi-4-circle-fill"></i> Column 4
      <% end %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

Compoments used:

  • Container
    • Accepts two options, type of container (sm, md, lg...fluid) and any additional classes
  • Row
    • Accepts additional classes (row is default) and styles.
  • Column
    • Accepts:
    • col (md: 6)
    • offset (md: 6)
    • classes
    • styles
  • Heading (h)
    • Accepts:
    • text (only if no block is provided)
    • tag (h1, h2, h3 etc)
    • classes
    • styles

Customizing Components

If you need to customize components you can copy them into your application.

All Components

To copy all compoents into your app run:

rails g bsvc:components

This will copy over all of BSVC components and helpers. It will create an app/components/ directory in the root of app. All helpers will be placed inside app/helpers/.

A Single Component

rails g bsvc:component --name COMPONENT_NAME

COMPONENT_NAME should be the top level directory of the coponent you want in app/components/

NOTE: Running the component command on a parent component with nested child components will copy over all child components in the top level directory.

A Single Nested Child Component

For nested child components, pass the path of the component starting with the top level directory.

rails g bsvc:component --name grid/container

This will grab only the container component and helper and place them in app/components/grid and app/helpers/grid.


  • Continue building out components
  • Continue creating usage doc
  • Continue add to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.