BuckKnife adds a knife project
subcommand to Chef's knife
BuckKnife is undergoing active development. A 1.0 version will be released when we think the project is in a stable state. Until then, this is alpha quality.
Add these configurations to your .chef/knife.rb
knife[:project_dir] = "path/to/chef-rep/data_bags/projects"
knife[:buckknife_namespace] = "buckknife" # This is a default, you probably don't need to change this
Here is a complete ~/.chef/knife.rb
chef_repo_dir = "~/Chef"
log_level :info
log_location STDOUT
interval 300
client_key "~/.chef/clientkey.pem"
validation_client_name "chef-validator"
validation_key "#{chef_repo_dir}/.chef/validation.pem"
chef_server_url "http://chefserver.example.com"
cache_type "BasicFile"
( :path => "#{chef_repo_dir}/.chef/checksums" )
cookbook_path "#{chef_repo_dir}/cookbooks"
knife[:project_dir] = "#{chef_repo_dir}/data_bags/projects"
Getting Started
This is the current process to create chef server clusters based on a project .json file. There are many improvements that need to be made to make this more automated.
- Edit your ~/.chef/knife.rb to include your project dir
Create a project data bag:
knife project new myapp
Generate create commands
knife project create myapp
Generate add role commands
knife project add role myapp
Generate run client commands
knife project run client myapp
- Move database passwords out of project.json
- Move ssh user/pass out of capistrano template