Bugs Bunny

RabbitMQ Playground

Qual é o pó, doutor?

Run ‘bbunny config’ to create a rabbitmq.yml conf file, edit it, play.

bbunny queues

Lists all queues in the vhost.

| Msgs | Name         | Users | Ready | Noack | Commit | Acts | Memory |
+------+--------- ----+-------+-------+-------+--------+------+--------+
| 5    | (D) works    | 1     | 5     | 0     | 0      | 0    | 4768   |
| 20   | (V) mapper   | 10    | 0     | 20    | 0      | 0    | 14544  |

bbunny queues new works

Creates a queue ‘works’.

bbunny queue works add “Nice message”

Adds a message to the queue.

bbunny queue works pop

Pops a message from the queue.

Pop => MQ::Header...
Body => "Improve Bugs Bunny"

bbunny queue works inspect

Live inspection of the queue.

QUEUE 1 (application/octet-stream): Mode 1
Consumer: todo-908051891800

Improve Bugs Bunny

QUEUE 2 (application/octet-stream): Mode 1
Consumer: todo-908051891800

{:ruby => "object"}

bbunny exchanges

| Name                                  | Kind    | Durable   | Delete   |
| amq.direct                            | Direct  |     X     |          |
| amq.fanout                            | Fanout  |     X     |          |
| amq.headers                           | Headers |     X     |          |
| amq.match                             | Headers |     X     |          |
| amq.topic                             | Topic   |     X     |          |
| some.fanout                           | Fanout  |           |    X     |

Check out -h for all commands

Purge, delete, full CRUD ;)


Bugs Bunny will try to load your data using Marshal. You may define json on the conf file.


Bugs Bunny will load the nanite gem if you have it avaiable. So you can Unmarshal it’s objects.

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.

  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.

  • Add and run our cli cuke suite ;)

  • Send me a pull request.

Copyright © 2010 Marcos Piccinini. See LICENSE for details.