
CFDI generator for 3.3 version.

Build Status Coverage Status


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'buho_cfdi'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install buho_cfdi


Create an instance of BuhoCfdi::XmlProcessor and pass to it the params.

buho = BuhoCfdi::XmlProcessor.new(params)

Then process the xml with the params. buho var has all necesary info to create a xml schema. Execute the instance method #process_xml that will create a #cfdi instance method with all info needed about the cfdi and the xml.

# => Execute the instance method

# => Access to cfdi object was created

To access to the XML string.

# =>

Params Examples


params = {
  "receipt": {
    "version": "3.3",
    "serie": "shuhsuhsuhsw",
    "folio_number": "74777e8e8e",
    "date": "sjsjjsjs",
    "stamp": "jsjsjsjjs",
    "payment_method": "ikskskskis",
    "certificate_number": "osiskksj",
    "certificate": "jsjsjsjjsjs",
    "payment_conditions": "kjsksisosos",
    "subtotal": "jiksksksks",
    "discount": "jjjsjsjsjsj",
    "currency": "jsjksjdhdhd",
    "exchange_rate": "jsjsjdhdfhd",
    "total": "isjsxjdjf",
    "type_of_receipt": "jjsjsjjfd",
    "payment_method": "jjsjsjsjsd",
    "expedition_place": "jsjsjsjjs",
    "confirmation": "jjsjsjsjsjdjd",
    "cfdi_related_attributes": {
      "relationship_type": "jhususjujsujdius",
      "related_attributes": [
          "uuid": "ijisjisjisjisjisj"
    "issuer_attributes": {
      "rfc": "hudshududhs",
      "name": "jdsjidjsijdi",
      "fiscal_regime": "jdisjdisjid" 
    "receiver_attributes": {
      "rfc": "jdisjdisj",
      "name": "jdsjdijsijds",
      "tax_residency": "udisjdisjidjisjd",
      "tax_identity_registration_number": "djisjdisjidjsidjis",
      "cfdi_usage": "disjdisidisdjs" 
    "concepts_attributes": [
        "prod_or_svc_key": "shusuh",
        "identification_number": "shusuhuhs",
        "quantity": "hsuhusuhs",
        "unit_measure_key": "hsuushuhsuhs",
        "unit_measure": "hsuhsuhushush",
        "description": "shshushushush",
        "unit_value": "suhushuhsuhsu",
        "amount": "shushuhsuhs",
        "discount": "shusuush",
        "transferred_attributes": [
            "base": "yysysy",
            "tax": "uususuus",
            "factor_type": "sjisjijis",
            "rate_or_fee": "jsisjijsijs",
            "import": "jsijsijsij"
        "detained_attributes": [
            "base": "sjisjijsijs",
            "tax": "sjisjijsijsi",
            "factor_type": "sjijsijsijsi",
            "rate_or_fee": "ssijisjisj",
            "import": "sjijsisijisj" 
        "customs_information_attributes": {
          "requirement_number": "ysyhysh"
        "property_account_attributes": {
          "number": "hushuhsuhsu"
        "part_attributes": {
          "prod_or_svc_key": "suhushushuhs",
          "identification_number": "uhsuhsuhsuhush",
          "quantity": "hsuhsuhushu",
          "unit_measure": "hsuhushushu",
          "description": "shushushush",
          "unit_value": "shuhushushu",
          "amount": "suhsuhushushu"
    "taxes_attributes": {
      "total_taxes_transferred": "hushusushuhs",
      "total_taxes_detained": "hsuhsuhsuhush",
      "transferred_attributes": [
          "tax": "shuhsusuhush",
          "factor_type": "shusuhsusuhs",
          "rate_or_fee": "sussuhsuhus",
          "import": "shuhusuhsuhsu" 
      "detained_attributes": [
          "tax": "hsuhushussh",
          "import": "suhuhsuhsuhs" 


To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake build and bundle exec rake install. You can also run irb for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug report or pull request are welcome. Make a pull request:

  • Clone the repo
  • Create a new feature branch
  • Commit your changes
  • Push the new branch
  • Create new pull-request

Please write tests if necessary.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.