Bundler - Local Development

Provides a simple way to switch between local and installed gems.

Since this gem overrides bundler itself, it is installed and required in an unusual way. It is required within your Gemfile, and is not meant to be used in your application.


Add these lines to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'bundler_local_development', :group => :development, :require => false
  require 'bundler_local_development'
  Bundler.development_gems = [/foo/, 'bar', /baz/]
rescue LoadError

And then execute:

$ bundle


  • Call Bundler.development_gems = [...] in your Gemfile, to configure your default set of local gems. You can provide regular expressions or strings to match gem names.
  • Set the $DEV_GEMS environment variable to add extra gems to this list (semicolon separated list of gem names).

If the $GEM_DEV environment variable is unset, this gem will have no effect.

If the $GEM_DEV environment variable is set:

  • Bundler will search for local gems in the path specified by $GEM_DEV_DIR. (The default search path is $HOME/code/gems, if $GEM_DEV_DIR is unset.) You can specify multiple directories by separating paths with a semicolon, e.g. $HOME/code/gems;$HOME/code/more_gems

  • If a local copy of the gem is found, it will add the :path => <path> option to the gem command. It will also scan the local gem's gemspec and process any runtime dependencies.

  • Gemfile.lock will NOT be updated if this gem is activated.

Shell shortcut

In order to make the most of this gem, you need a quick way to enable or disable it.

Add the following function to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc:

# Gem development shortcuts
# Toggle between gem development and production mode
# (Set / unset $GEM_DEV variable)
gdv() {
  local flag_var="GEM_DEV"
  if env | grep -q "^$flag_var="; then
    unset $flag_var
    export $flag_var=true

Now you will be able to enable or disable the gem by typing: gdv

Indicator in Shell Prompt

Finally, you might want to know whether or not the gem is enabled.

Add the following function to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc:

# When developing gems ($GEM_DEV is exported), display a hammer and pick
parse_gem_development() {
  if env | grep -q "^GEM_DEV="; then echo "\[\e[0;33m\]⚒ "; fi

Then, use $(parse_gem_development) to display the indicator in your prompt.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request