
Burek is here to help you with your RoR translations. It's not here to replace rails translation, but to help you manage them. In the end all burek calls are replaced with regular translation calls.

How it works?

1. Call burek in your view files

# views/users/index.html
  <%= burek("All users") %>

2. Fetch translations with burek rake task

rake burek:fetch

3. Burek generates translation files for you.

If you defined, for example, you want to use English and Finnish locales (and English is your main locale).

# config/locales/burek/views/users/index.en.yml
  all_users: All users
# config/locales/burek/views/users/index.fi.yml
  all_users: TODO

It also replaces all burek calls with regular translation calls

# views/users/index.html
  <%= t("all_users") %>

That's it!

Additional options

You can also pass a hash as second argument to burek call.

# views/users/index.html
  <%= burek("All users", {key: 'users', parent_key: 'levelone.leveltwo'}) %>

This call will generate following translation file:

# config/locales/burek/views/users/index.fi.yml
      users: "All users"
# views/users/index.html
  <%= t("levelone.leveltwo.users") %>

How to install it?

Just add following line to your Gemfile:

gem "burek"

How to configure it?

You can use default configuration, if you want to override it create following file. You don't have to override all configuration variables, but I listed them all here with brief descriptions.

# config/initializers/burek.rb
Burek.setup do |config|
  config.search_folders = ['./app/views/**/*'] # Where should I look for burek calls?
  config.translations_path = './config/locales/burek/' # Where should I generate translation files?
  config.translation_placeholder = 'TODO' # What should I set as default translation for non-main languages
  config.locales = ['en'] # What locales do you want to use? (NOTE: First locale is considered main)

  # NOTE: Burek generates your translation keys depending on file path where burek call was found.
  config.ignore_folders_for_key = ['.','app'] # What folders should be ignored when generating translation key

  # NOTE: When generating locale files they are nested in subfolders that are generated from translation key
  config.subfolder_depth = 2 # How deep should I nest translation files in subfolders?