
Butcher is a set of command line tools intended to ease the use of Chef with a managed Opscode account.


    gem install "butcher"

Or stick this in your Gemfile

   gem "butcher"
   #  or
   gem "butcher", "~>0.0.1"


The following commands are currently available. All commands should be run from the top level of a chef directory.


SSH into a node based on a grep of the node name.

    Usage: stab [options] node_name
      -c, --cache-dir DIR    # saves node list here (default: ~/.butcher/cache)
      -f, --force            # download new node list even if a cache file exists
      -h, --help             # prints usage
      -l, --login LOGIN      # ssh with specified username
      -v, --verbose          # be expressive

Node name is loosely matched against name attributes given to nodes in chef. If multiple nodes match a given string, a Butcher::AmbiguousNode error is thrown and the program exits.

    > knife status
    1 hours ago, app.node, app.domain.com,, solaris2 5.11.
    5 minutes ago, other.node, other.domain.com,, solaris2 5.11.

    > stab something
    Unable to find node "something"

    > stab node
    Multiple nodes match "node"
    ["app.node", "app.domain.com"] =>
    ["other.node", "other.domain.com"] =>

Nodes are cached in a file named after your organization in Opscode. Stab discovers this by looking at the chef_server_url in your knife.rb. For this reason, stab can only be run from the top level of a chef repo.

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Copyright 2012 ModCloth

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.