
CacheCow allows ActiveRecord models to acts_as_cached`


In your Gemfile

gem "cache_cow"

Or via command line

gem install cache_cow


CacheCow provides an api for caching results of methods and associations on ActiveRecord models.

To use in a model, declare acts_as_cached

    class Post

Instances of a cache_cow model can read, write, fetch, and expire their own cache keys. Cache keys are namespaced and versioned by convention as :::. An instances id is the cache suffix be default.

    # Post.cache_cow_version = 1

    post = Post.find(123)

    post.fetch_cache { "great post" }     # fetches from cache key 'Post:1:123', store 'great post' on cache miss

    post.write_cache("foo", "bar")        # writes 'bar to cache key 'Post:1:123:foo'

    post.read_cache("foo")                # returns 'bar' from cache key 'Post:1:123:foo'