

Group ActiveRecord models with ranges. No more need to SQL with complex statements. Make your life easier :)

Can solve problems like "I need to group users by age in different categories." or "I need to do some calculations for the reports/charts".

Easy to use, just add to Gemfile gem "calculate_in_group" and call calculate_in_group on your model.


See below how to group your model by ranges or arrays and run aggregations for them in one SQL query.

# Grouping can be used with :count, :average, :sum, :maximum, :minimum.

# Group with Ranges
User.calculate_in_group(:count, :age, [...10, 10...50, 50..] # => {"...10"=>1, "10...50"=>3, "50.."=>3}
User.calculate_in_group(:count, :created_at, { "old" => 12.hours.ago..1.minutes.ago, "new" => }) # => {"old" => 2, "new" => 1}

# Group with arrays or just values
User.calculate_in_group(:count, :role, "with_permissions" => ["admin", "moderator"], "no_permissions" => "user") # => {"with_permissions" => 3, "no_permissions" => 3}

# Other agg functions
User.calculate_in_group(:average, :age, "young" => 0..25, "old" => 60..100) # => {"young" => 11.0, "old" => 80.0}
User.calculate_in_group(:average, :age, "young" => 0..25, "old" => 60...100) # => {"young" => 11.0, "old" => 60.0}
User.calculate_in_group(:maximum, :age, "young" => 0..25, "old" => 60..100) # => {"young" => 20, "old" => 100}
User.calculate_in_group(:minimum, :age, "young" => 0..25, "old" => 60..100) # => {"young" => 3, "old" => 60}
User.calculate_in_group(:sum, :age, "young" => 0..25, "old" => 60..100) # => {"young" => 33, "old" => 160}
User.calculate_in_group(:sum, :age, {"young" => 0..25, "old" => 60..100}) # => {"young" => 33, "old" => 160}

# You can specify "other values" (with custom label) which are out of ranges
User.calculate_in_group(:count, :age, {"young" => 10, "average" => 25, "old" => 60}, {include_nil: "OTHER"}) # => {"young" => 1, "old" => 1, "OTHER" => 7}

# You can specify default value for keys which are missing in query
User.calculate_in_group(:count, :age, {"young" => 10, "average" => 25, "old" => 60}, { default_for_missing: 0 }) # => {"young" => 1, "old" => 1, "average" => 0}

# SEE MORE EXAMLES in test/calculate_in_group_test.rb


gem "calculate_in_group"

And then execute:

$ bundle


ruby test/calculate_in_group_test.rb.

Not sure, why rake test doesn't works for me :)


You are welcome to contribute or share your ideas.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.