Capistrano 3 Runit Support

cap-runit provides a helper for building runit services. It lets you easily deploy services using capistrano 3 and run them with runit.


Using bundler: Add gem 'cap-runit' to your Gemfile and require 'bundler'; Bundler.require to your Capfile.

Not using bundler: gem install cap-runit and add require 'capistrano/runit' to your Capfile.


cap-runit provides a helper method runit_service to Capistrano. As the philosophy of runit is that everything is just a shell script, cap-runit requires you to write a shell script.

For example, to run sidekiq, you might do something like this:

runit_service 'sidekiq' do

  run <<-EOF
cd /var/www/app/current
exec bundle exec sidekiq -e production -C ./config/sidekiq.yml 2>&1


This creates three capistrano tasks:

cap sidekiq:restart    # Restart bugsnag-event-server
cap sidekiq:start      # Start bugsnag-event-server
cap sidekiq:stop       # Stop bugsnag-event-server

If you'd like to restart sidekiq when your app restarts, you also need to specify:

namespace :deploy do
  after :publishing, 'sidekiq:restart'


Runit sends the STDOUT of your run script to the log script. To get these logs somewhere useful, you can use any program that reads from STDIN. But svlogd is recommended as it works well with runit and handles log rotation automatically.

runit_service 'sidekiq' do

  run <<-EOF
#!/bin/bash -l
cd /var/www/app/current
exec bundle exec sidekiq -e production -C ./config/sidekiq.yml 2>&1

  log <<-EOF
mkdir -p /var/log/sidekiq
exec svlogd -tt /var/log/sidekiq

Crash notifications

If you need to be notified of when a crash happens in your app, you can also configure a finish script. This is run whenever the run script exits.

runit_service 'sidekiq' do

  run <<-EOF
#!/bin/bash -l
cd /var/www/app/current
exec bundle exec sidekiq -e production -C ./config/sidekiq.yml 2>&1

  log <<-EOF
mkdir -p /var/log/sidekiq
exec svlogd -tt /var/log/sidekiq

  finish <<-EOF
export BUGSNAG_API_KEY=bf04f47b034e8df9d22ee75f30fdae6a
[ "$1" = 0 ] || exec bugsnag-runit "$0"


The only configuration variable you need to pass is runit_service_directory

set :runit_service_directory, "/apps/service"

The service directory needs to be run with runsvdir and owned by the capistrano user. To configure runsvdir you can create the following files:


exec chpst -udeploy -- runsvdir /apps/service 2>&1



exec svlogd -tt /var/log/cap-runit

These files should both be owned by root and chmod +x. This way the deploy user does not need root permissions to reboot a service on deploy.