Capistrano Calendar


capistrano-calendar is extension for capistrano that allows your create different deployment notification in calendar service. Currently supported services:

  • google calendar


gem install capistrano-calendar

Add to your Capfile

require 'capistrano/calendar/recipes'

How it works

This gem provides:

  • capistrano recipe calendar:create_event
  • ruby binary script capistrano-calendar

Capistrano recipe should be used in some :after hooks (e.g. after deploy). Recipe reads calendar configurations and run capistrano-calendar binary on some host specified in capistrano_runner option. So you need to install capistrano-calendar gem also on that calendar host. Also please ensure that you properly configured calendar_runner otherwise you may have duplicated events in calender.

Calendar configuration

  • *:calendar_verbose (nil) - if true display calendar data actions
  • *:calendar_logfile (/tmp/capistrano-calendar-PID.log) - calendar log
  • *:calendar_foreground (nil) - don't daemonize calendar process if true
  • :calendar_service (:google) - calendar service to use e.g. ':google'
  • :calendar_username (nil) - calendar service username e.g '[email protected]'
  • :calendar_password (nil) - calendar service password e.g 'qwery123456'
  • :calendar_name (default) - calendar name to use for events
  • :calendar_summary (nil) - calendar summary for new calendar
  • :calendar_location (nil) - calendar location for new calendar
  • :calendar_timezone ('UTC') - calendar timezone for new calendar
  • :calendar_color ('#A32929') - calendar color for new calendar
  • :calendar_event_name (nil) - calendar event name
  • :calendar_event_summary (nil) - calendar event summary
  • :calendar_event_location (nil) - calendar event location
  • :calendar_event_time ( - calendar event time
  • :calendar_event_status ('confirmed') - calendar event status

Bold means required options. Value in brackets means default value.

Calendar runner configuration

Calendar event creation will be executed by default on the one of application servers (specified in :app roles) You can change this behavior via calendar_runner option. Examples:

set(:calendar_runner, { :roles => :calendar_notifier, :once => true })
# or
set(:calendar_runner, { :hosts => '' })

Be sure to pass :once => true option if you use :roles !

Configuration example

set :calendar_service, :google
set :calendar_username, '[email protected]'
set :calendar_password, '123456'

set(:calendar_name)      { stage }
set(:calendar_summary)   { "" }
set :calendar_timezone, 'UTC'
set(:calendar_color),    { stage == 'production' ? '#ff000' : '#00ff00' }

set(:calendar_event_summary) { "Bla" }
set(:calendar_event_time) { }

after 'deploy' do
  set :calendar_event_title, "[Deployed] #{application} #{branch}: #{real_revision}"

after 'deploy:rollback' do
  set :calendar_event_title, "[Rollback] #{application} #{branch}: #{real_revision}"

# Extra configurations if you are using capistrano-patch:
after 'patch:apply' do
  set :calendar_event_title, "[Pathed] #{application} #{branch}: #{patch_strategy.revision_to}"

after 'patch:revert' do
  set :calendar_event_title, "[Patch rollback] #{application} #{branch}: #{patch_strategy.revision_from}"