Evrone collection of Capistrano recipes

We deploy a lot of Rails applications and our developers have to solve similar problems each time during the deployment: how to run workers, how to generate crontab, how to precompile assets faster and so on. This collection of recipes helps us to solve them.

Recipe use:

It also consider that you use system wide rbenv on the server.


gem 'capistrano_evrone_recipes', :require => false

Capfile example:

require "capistrano_evrone_recipes/capistrano"

set :repository, "[email protected]:..."
set :application, "my_cook_application"

task :production do
  role  :web,     "web.example.com"
  role  :app,     "app.example.com"
  role  :crontab, "app.example.com"
  role, :db,      "db.example.com", :primary => true
  role, :worker,  "workers.example.com"

task :staging do
  server "stage.example.com", :web, :app, :crontab, :db, :worker

As you can see, we use use roles to bind the tasks, and there are some additions to roles and additional roles:

web compiles assets if content of app/assets was changed since last deploy (add FORCE=1 to force the assets compilation)

app all files from shared/config is being symlinked to current/config like:

shared/config/database.yml            -> current/config/database.yml
shared/config/settings/production.yml -> current/config/settings/production.yml

crontab generates crontab with whenever gem, only if the content of config/schedule.rb was changed (add FORCE=1 to force the crontab generation)

db run migrations only if db/migrate was changed (add FORCE=1 to force migrations or SKIP_MIGRATION=1 to skip them)

worker Procfile exports runit configs to deploy_to/application/services

On deploy:restart unicorn and runit workers is being restarted.

You can use some extra cap tasks:

  • rails:console to launch rails console on remote server
  • rails:dbconsole to launch rails dbconsole on remote server
  • login to open SSH session under user deploy and switch catalog to Capistrano's current_path


To run succesfully together with system wide rbenv, all you tasks in Procfile must be started with rbenv exec


Default variables:

logger.level                   = Capistrano::Logger::DEBUG
default_run_options[:pty]      = true
ssh_options[:forward_agent]    = true
set :bundle_cmd,                 "rbenv exec bundle"
set :bundle_flags,               "--deployment --quiet --binstubs --shebang ruby-local-exec"
set :rake,                       -> { "#{bundle_cmd} exec rake" }
set :keep_releases,              7
set :scm,                        "git"
set :user,                       "deploy"
set :deploy_via,                 :unshared_remote_cache
set :copy_exclude,               [".git"]
set :repository_cache,           -> { "#{deploy_to}/shared/#{application}.git" }
set :normalize_asset_timestamps, false

Bonus track

To enable silent mode, add ENV['CAP_SILENT_MODE'] before the require 'capistrano_evrone_recipes/capistrano' in your Capfile

silent mode