capybara-firebug provides a dead-simple way to run Capybara-based Cucumber scenarios or RSpec request specs with Firebug enabled under the selenium driver.

To use it in RSpec examples, require 'capybara/firebug/rspec' in spec_helper.rb, and tag the examples you need to debug with :firebug => true.

To use it in Cucumber scenarios, require 'capybara/firebug/cucumber' in env.rb, and tag the scenarios you need to debug with @firebug.

Firebug Versions

By default, this gem uses Firebug 1.12.4, which is compatible with Firefox 23-25.

If you want to use Firebug 1.7.3 (compatible with Firefox 3.6, 4, and 5), 1.9.2 (compatible with Firefox 6-13), 1.10.6 (compatible with Firefox 13-18), or 1.11.0 (compatible with Firefox 17-22), you need to explicitly specify the firebug_version setting in your capybara.rb support file:

# located in features/support/capybara.rb or similar
require 'capybara/firebug'
Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Profile.firebug_version = '1.7.3'

Customizing the Profile

If you wish to further customize the Firefox profile used by selenium, you can use the #enable_firebug method to add the Firebug extension to it:

profile =

This can also be used to enable Firebug on a remote browser:,
   :browser => :remote,
   :url => "http://my.ip.add.ress:4444/wd/hub",
   :desired_capabilities => Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.firefox(:firefox_profile => profile))

Upgrading from 1.x

Cucumber and RSpec support has been split into separate files. You'll need to change spec_helper.rb to require 'capybara/firebug/rspec' or env.rb to require 'capybara/firebug/cucumber'.

A "stop and let me debug" step definition is no longer provided. You can add it yourself if needed:

Then /^stop and let me debug$/ do

Ruby 1.8.x is no longer supported. Please upgrade to 2.0 or later.