Ruby Carats, the Ruby Toolchest


Ruby Carats is an extensive, 100% pure Ruby, general purposed library collection of classes amd modules. It is an open repository for useful general puroposed and well tested classes, modules, mixins.


To do a manual install untar and use the included setup.rb script.

> tar -xvzf carats-x.y.z.tar.gz
> cd carats-x.y.z
> sudo ruby setup.rb


Umm… that might require a book. You should look at the API docs. To date, not everything in documented. But it’s getting there. You are welcome to help out. The basic require is:

require 'carat/<file>'


This collection was put together by, and largely written by Thomas Sawyer (aka T. Onoma). He can be reached via email at transami at

This package is a collection of work by many persons. If it matters, the collection per collection is licensed:

Ruby Carats
Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Thomas Sawyer
Ruby License

But the actual code on is licensed according to the original authors desires, being one of the following: Ruby, GPL, LGPL, MIT, or Artistic. Copies of these licenses should accompany this document. Any piece of code not specifically laballed shall fall under the Ruby License.

[Please Note: I am working to make sure everything is labeled appropriately. Please forgive me if I have not done so in a particular place –just let me know and I will fix.]

Also, I would like to ask all those authors, whose code is collected here, to consider moving to the Ruby license, so one license can serve for all.

Attributed Authors

  • Thomas Sawyer

  • Paul Brannan

  • Renald Buter

  • Hal Fulton

  • Gavin Sinclair

  • Michael Granger

  • Michael Neumann

  • Florian Frank

  • Mohammad Khan

  • Derek Lewis

  • Thomas-Ivo Heinen

  • Jan Molic
