Ruby Carats, the Ruby Toolchest
Ruby Carats is an extensive, 100% pure Ruby, general purposed library collection of classes amd modules. It is an open repository for useful general puroposed and well tested classes, modules, mixins.
To do a manual install untar and use the included setup.rb script.
> tar -xvzf carats-x.y.z.tar.gz
> cd carats-x.y.z
> sudo ruby setup.rb
Umm… that might require a book. You should look at the API docs. To date, not everything in documented. But it’s getting there. You are welcome to help out. The basic require is:
require 'carat/<file>'
This collection was put together by, and largely written by Thomas Sawyer (aka T. Onoma). He can be reached via email at transami at
This package is a collection of work by many persons. If it matters, the collection per collection is licensed:
Ruby Carats
Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Thomas Sawyer
Ruby License
But the actual code on is licensed according to the original authors desires, being one of the following: Ruby, GPL, LGPL, MIT, or Artistic. Copies of these licenses should accompany this document. Any piece of code not specifically laballed shall fall under the Ruby License.
[Please Note: I am working to make sure everything is labeled appropriately. Please forgive me if I have not done so in a particular place –just let me know and I will fix.]
Also, I would like to ask all those authors, whose code is collected here, to consider moving to the Ruby license, so one license can serve for all.
Attributed Authors
Thomas Sawyer
Paul Brannan
Renald Buter
Hal Fulton
Gavin Sinclair
Michael Granger
Michael Neumann
Florian Frank
Mohammad Khan
Derek Lewis
Thomas-Ivo Heinen
Jan Molic