Ruby client for Careerjet's API


# Gemfile
gem 'careerjet'

Usage :en_US, :keywords => 'ruby', :page => 1


keywords: Keywords to search in job offers.

location: Location to search job offers in.

sort: Type of sort. Can be: relevance (default) - most relevant first, date - freshest offer first and salary - biggest salary first.

start_num: Number of first offer returned in entire result space. Should be >= 1 and <= Number of hits.

pagesize: Number of offers returned in one call.

page: Number of the asked page. Should be >=1. If this value is set, the eventually given start_num is overrided.

contracttype: Character code for contract type.p - permanent job, c- contract, t- temporary, i- training, v- voluntary, none - all contract types.

contractperiod: Character code for contract work period. f - full time, p - part time, none - all work period.