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Pure Ruby implementation of Google Common Expression Language, https://opensource.google/projects/cel.

The Common Expression Language (CEL) implements common semantics for expression evaluation, enabling different applications to more easily interoperate.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cel'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install cel


The usage pattern follows the pattern defined by cel-go, i.e. define an environment, which then can be used to parse, compile and evaluate a CEL program.

require "cel"

# set the environment
env = Cel::Environment.new(name: :string, group: :string)

# 1.1 parse
  ast = env.compile('name.startsWith("/groups/" + group)') #=> Cel::Types[:bool], which is == :bool
rescue Cel::Error => e
  STDERR.puts("type-check error: #{e.message}")
  raise e
# 1.2 check
prg = env.program(ast)
# 1.3 evaluate
return_value = prg.evaluate(name: Cel::String.new("/groups/acme.co/documents/secret-stuff"),
    group: Cel::String.new("acme.co"))

# 2.1 parse and check
prg = env.program('name.startsWith("/groups/" + group)')
# 2.2 then evaluate
return_value = prg.evaluate(name: Cel::String.new("/groups/acme.co/documents/secret-stuff"),
    group: Cel::String.new("acme.co"))

# 3. or parse, check and evaluate
  return_value = env.evaluate(ast,
    name: Cel::String.new("/groups/acme.co/documents/secret-stuff"),
    group: Cel::String.new("acme.co")
rescue Cel::Error => e
  STDERR.puts("evaluation error: #{e.message}")
  raise e

puts return_value #=> true


cel-ruby supports declaring the types of variables in the environment, which allows for expression checking:

env = Cel::Environment.new(
  first_name: :string, # shortcut for Cel::Types[:string]
  middle_names: Cel::Types[:list, :string], # list of strings
  last_name: :string

# you can use Cel::Types to access any type of primitive type, i.e. Cel::Types[:bytes]


If google/protobuf is available in the environment, cel-ruby will also be able to integrate with protobuf declarations in CEL expressions.

require "google/protobuf"
require "cel"

env = Cel::Environment.new

env.evaluate("google.protobuf.Duration{seconds: 123}.seconds == 123") #=> true

Custom functions

cel-ruby allows you to define custom functions to be used insde CEL expressions. While we strongly recommend usage of Cel::Function for defining them (due to the ability of them being used for checking), the only requirement is that the function object responds to .call:

env = environment(foo: Cel::Function(:int, :int, return_type: :int) { |a, b|  a + b})
env.evaluate("foo(2, 2)") #=> 4

# this is also possible, just not as type-safe
env2 = environment(foo: -> (a, b) { a + b})
env2.evaluate("foo(2, 2)") #=> 4

Supported Rubies

All Rubies greater or equal to 2.5, and always latest JRuby and Truffleruby.


Clone the repo in your local machine, where you have ruby installed. Then you can:

# install dev dependencies
> bundle install
# run tests
> bundle exec rake test

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.

CEL parser

The parser is based on the grammar defined in cel-spec, and developed using racc, a LALR(1) parser generator, which is part of ruby's standard library.

Changes in the parser are therefore accomplished by modifying the parser.ry file and running:

> bundle exec racc -o lib/cel/parser.rb lib/cel/parser.ry


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on Gitlab at https://gitlab.com/os85/cel-ruby.