Introducing CEML
CEML is the world's first programming language custom-built for bringing people together.
Short scripts define the structure for live coordinated events among people with different roles and across locations.
All assignments and reassignments given in Groundcrew are CEML programs that are submitted via our API and executed on the server. Scripts can result in a text message, IM, twitter, and mobile application-based coordination.
A sample program
"some quiet time"
takes 10m
offers quiet observation connection peace
gather many agents, 1 landmark
tell agents:
at |landmark|, find a place to sit w hands on left leg
in silence, listen to noises in the park
after |duration|, cough gently and leave one at a time
or the slightly more complex rendezvous:
"a high five"
takes 2m
offers connection inclusion
gather 1 mobile_agent, 1 stationary_agent, 1 streetcorner
ask stationary_agent re clothing: What are you wearing (so the other person can recognize you)?
tell stationary_agent:
mill around at |streetcorner|
a stranger will approach you and give you a high five
when that happens nod and run in the direction they came from
find some trash and clean it up
tell mobile_agent:
go to |streetcorner| and
find someone wearing ||
give them a high five
nod, and keep walking around the corner
There are more examples in this repo.
Other resources
There is a TextMate bundle which does syntax highlighting for CEML. Someone will make a vim mode soon. I am sure of it.
Reference - Commands
CEML has a small number of keywords at this point: gather
, tell
, ask
, and assign
are the main four. nab
is a variant of gather
. takes
and offers
have a supporting role to provide metadata.
ask [role] re [varname]: [question]
Used to indicate that the information for the varname can be obtained by asking someone in the role/group the question provided.
tell [role]: [assignment]
Says to give the assignment to the people who match the role. Note that the assignment may have variables embedded within it, in which case the server will attempt to get values by asking questions, etc, before sending these assignments.
gather rolespec1, rolespec2, ... [block]
Declares a set of roles which need to be filled to run this script.
offers [tags]
Helps the user or the system pick which agents to involve, based on what they're up for.
takes [duration] [optional skill tags]
Also helps the user or the system pick which agents to involve, based on their skills and/or available time.
Reference - Syntax
The syntax is simple and inherits from tcl and ruby. Every line starts with a command keyword, some arguments, and possibly a string after a colon. Like RFC822 headers, a terminal string parameter can fall either directly after a colon or on a series of indented line.
Copyright (c) 2010 Citizen Logistics, Inc. See LICENSE for details.
This software is licensed under the AGPL, the Affero General Public License 3.0.