= README.txt

Release: 1.0.0

copyright(c) 2007-2008 kuwata-lab.com all rights reserved.


== About

'CGIAlt' is an alternative library of standard 'cgi.rb'.
It is written in pure Ruby but works faster than 'cgi.rb'.

== Features

* Compatible with 'cgi.rb'.
* Faster and more lightweight than 'cgi.rb'.
* Available to install with CGIExt (which is a re-implementation of 'cgi.rb'
in C extension).
* FastCGI support

== Install

Download cgialt-1.0.0.tar.gz and install it according to the following:

$ tar xzf cgialt-1.0.0.tar.gz
$ cd cgialt-1.0.0/
$ sudo ruby setup.rb

Or if you have installed RubyGems, you can install CGIAlt by 'gem' command.

$ sudo gem install cgialt

It is recommended not to use RubyGems if you have to develop CGI program
because loading RubyGems is very heavy-weight for CGI program.

== Usage

All you have to do is to require 'cgialt' instead of 'cgi', and you can use
CGI class which is compatible with 'cgi.rb'.

require 'rubygems' # if you have installed with RubyGems
require 'cgialt'

If you want to use CGIAlt with FastCGI (fcgi.rb), require 'cgialt/fcgi'
instead of 'fcgi'.

require 'cgialt'
require 'cgialt/fcgi'

If you want require 'cgi' when CGIAlt is not installed, try the following.

require 'cgialt'
rescue LoadError
require 'cgi'
reqiure 'cgialt/fcgi'
rescue LoadError
require 'fcgi'

If you want to replace original 'cgi.rb' entirely by 'cgialt',
create 'cgi.rb' which requires 'cgialt' under proper directory such as

$ sudo echo 'require "cgialt"' > /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/cgi.rb
$ sudo echo 'require "cgialt/fcgi"' > /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/fcgi.rb

When $DEBUG is true or ENV['DEBUG'] is set, CGIAlt prints release number
to $stderr when loaded.

$ DEBUG=1 ruby -e 'require "cgi"'
*** CGIAlt: release 1.0.0

== Benchmark

Try 'bench.rb' included in CGIAlt archive.
The following is an example of benchmark.

## cgi.rb
$ ruby -s bench.rb -N=1000
*** 1000 times user system total real
ruby -e 'nil' 0.0900 0.8300 11.5400 ( 11.9631)
ruby -e 'require "cgi"' 0.1000 1.2400 24.7000 ( 25.2709)

*** 100000 times user system total real
CGI#new (simple) 20.3100 0.0300 20.3400 ( 20.3770)
CGI#new (complex) 26.5800 0.0400 26.6200 ( 26.6604)

*** 1000000 times user system total real
CGI#header (simple) 12.6700 0.0100 12.6800 ( 12.7137)
CGI#header (complex) 43.4600 0.0600 43.5200 ( 43.5749)

## CGIAlt
$ ruby -s bench.rb -N=1000 -cgialt
*** CGIAlt: release 0.0.0
*** 1000 times user system total real
ruby -e 'nil' 0.0900 0.8000 11.5900 ( 12.0581)
ruby -e 'require "cgi"' 0.1000 1.2300 19.4800 ( 20.0621)

*** 100000 times user system total real
CGI#new (simple) 14.5000 0.0300 14.5300 ( 14.5594)
CGI#new (complex) 20.0700 0.0300 20.1000 ( 20.1356)

*** 1000000 times user system total real
CGI#header (simple) 6.0400 0.0100 6.0500 ( 6.0553)
CGI#header (complex) 36.2200 0.0400 36.2600 ( 36.3138)

It is good thing for performance to install CGIExt as well as CGIAlt.
The following is a benchmark example of using both CGIAlt and CGIExt.

## CGIAlt and CGIExt
$ ruby -s bench.rb -N=1000 -cgialt -cgiext
*** CGIAlt: release 0.0.0
*** 1000 times user system total real
ruby -e 'nil' 0.0900 0.8100 11.6600 ( 12.1769)
ruby -e 'require "cgi","cgiext"' 0.1000 1.2100 20.8400 ( 21.5575)

*** 100000 times user system total real
CGI#new (simple) 12.4200 0.0400 12.4600 ( 12.5207)
CGI#new (complex) 13.1600 0.0300 13.1900 ( 13.2443)

*** 1000000 times user system total real
CGI#header (simple) 6.0300 0.0100 6.0400 ( 6.0651)
CGI#header (complex) 36.5400 0.0800 36.6200 ( 37.0642)

The following is a summary of above benchmark results.

Table 1. summary of benchmark
cgi.rb CGIAlt CGIAlt+CGIExt
require "cgi" (x1000) 13.16 7.89 ( 67%) 9.18 ( 43%)
CGI#new (simple) (x100000) 20.34 14.53 ( 40%) 12.46 ( 63%)
CGI#new (comple) (x100000) 26.62 20.10 ( 32%) 13.19 (102%)
CGI#header (simple) (x1000000) 12.68 6.05 (110%) 6.04 (110%)
CGI#header (complex) (x1000000) 43.52 36.26 ( 20%) 36.62 ( 19%)

Another benchmark script 'bench.fcgi' is provided. It is for FastCGI.
The following is an example result of benchmark.

Table 2. result of bench.fcgi
Time taken for tests Request per second
cgi + fcgi 16.686 [sec] 1198.61 [#/sec]
cgialt + cgialt/fcgi 15.562 [sec] 1285.18 [#/sec]
cgialt + cgialt/fcgi + cgiext 15.310 [sec] 1306.34 [#/sec]

== License

Ruby's license

== Author

makoto kuwata <kwa(at)kuwata-lab.com>

== Bug reports

If you have bugs or questions, report them to kwa(at)kuwata-lab.com.