
Gem for using Chaplin.js with Rails asset pipeline, based on chaplin-rails boilerplate project.

Since Chaplin requires module system this gem has requirejs-rails gem in dependecy. Those, you're forced to use requirejs for your project :)

Gem already comes with underscore.js and backbone.js.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'chaplin-on-rails', git: 'git://'

And then execute:

$ bundle



rails g chaplin:install

It should create basic application structure with some basic files. To learn more about this see chaplin-rails.

This gem generates new for you, so you should migrate your old application.js to requirejs config file and remove application.js file.

Also, there might be a problem with replacing requirejs_include_tag. Just follow for generator's output instructions.


  1. Write tests for install generator.
  2. Write generators for scaffold/resource/controller/model.