Chronicle groups collections of ruby objects into time periods. It uses Chronic to parse natural language date strings.
# Before:
[obj_1, obj_2, obj_3, obj_4, obj_5, obj_6, obj_7, obj_8, obj_9, obj_10]
# After:
"just now": [obj_10, obj_9],
"two hours ago": [obj_8, obj_7, obj_6],
"yesterday": [obj_5, obj_4, obj_3],
"6 months ago": [obj_2],
"1 year ago": [obj_1]
Chronicle was created for Sniphr, a pet project of mine that makes bookmarking awesome. I wanted to reduce UI chatter by displaying a minimal timeline beside the content, instead of a timestamp under every element. Here's what it looks like:
# Put this in your Gemfile and smoke it.
# Ruby 1.9 or greater is required, because chronicle relies on ordered hashes.
gem 'chronicle'
# Fetch some objects (presumably ActiveRecord)
things = Thing.all
# Put them into buckets, using Chronicle's default eras
chronicle =
# To deviate from the default eras...
chronicle =, :eras => ["5 minutes ago", "2 hours ago", "three weeks ago"])
# To sort based on an attribute other than :created_at
chronicle =, :date_attr => :updated_at)
To see the default eras
used by Chronicle, have a look at
MIT License. Do whatever you want.