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Classes and binaries to handle SMS Cimd protocol.


cimd_cli.rb receivesms

cimd_cli.rb receivesms receives smses endlessly. If You want to stop reciving just press ^C.

cimd_cli.rb receivesms --msisdn=MSISDN --password=PASSWORD --server=SERVER --user-identity=USER_IDENTITY

  --server=SERVER                            # Address of SMSC server (can be DNS name)
  [--port=PORT]                              # Port number for CIMD protocol
                                             # Default: 9971
  --user-identity=USER_IDENTITY              # Username of CIMD account
  --password=PASSWORD                        # Password for CIMD account USERNAME
  [--message=MESSAGE]                        # Message to be send
                                             # Default: SMS test message
  --msisdn=MSISDN                            # MSISDN number to be send
  [--alpha-orig-address=ALPHA_ORIG_ADDRESS]  # Identity of sender
                                             # Default: Sms Service

cimd_cli.rb sendsms

cimd_cli.rb sendsms sends text SMS to MSISDN number

cimd_cli.rb sendsms --msisdn=MSISDN --password=PASSWORD --server=SERVER --user-identity=USER_IDENTITY

    --server=SERVER                            # Address of SMSC server (can be DNS name)
    [--port=PORT]                              # Port number for CIMD protocol
                                               # Default: 9971
    --user-identity=USER_IDENTITY              # Username of CIMD account
    --password=PASSWORD                        # Password for CIMD account USERNAME
    [--message=MESSAGE]                        # Message to be send
                                               # Default: SMS test message
    --msisdn=MSISDN                            # MSISDN number to be send
    [--alpha-orig-address=ALPHA_ORIG_ADDRESS]  # Identity of sender
                                               # Default: Sms Service