
Cinchize scope is to easily get a daemonized irc-bot up and running using plugins where there shouldn’t be any need to actually write code.

It should be noted that the program is currently considered to be in beta and may change both in how it’s accessed and how the config logs is formed.


gem install cinchize



cinchize --start network

The config file can either be in the current working directory or in /etc and should be called cinchize.yml. Use the flag -s to tell cinchize to look for the config file at /etc/cinchize.yml.

cinchize -s --start network

To daemonzize, use -d

cinchize -d --start network

Network is the name you call the a server config in the servers part of the config file, i.e. “freenode”, “super_duper_amazing_network”, “quakenet” or similar.

–start, –restart, –stop and –status assumes that the config file is located in the current working directory unless -s is used.


All config options to each server object is optional, except for the channels and plugins. All valid config options for a Cinch bot should work.

  log_output: true
  dir_mode: normal
  dir: "/path/to/pid/dir"
    port: 6667
    nick: CinchizeBot
      - "#cinchbots"
        module: "cinch/plugins/some_plugin"
        class: "Cinch::Plugins::SomePlugin"
          option: value
        module: "cinch/plugins/another_plugin"
        class: "Cinch::Plugins::AnotherPlugin"

JSON deprecation

The JSON format has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release, YaML is the preferred format hence forth.

Options explained

dir: the save path, absolute or relative to either /var/run or to the current working directory

dir_mode: “system” to work from /var/run and “normal”, to work from current working directory or from an absolute path

log_output: writes STDERR and STDOUT to a logfile in the same dir as the pid-file

Copyright © 2010 Victor Bergöö. See LICENSE for details.